Abacavir-lamivudine (Kivexa®)

In this review:

This review discusses the evidence in support of the coformulation of abacavir/lamivudine (Kivexa®) for the treatment of HIV infection. Following an overview on HIV infection in NZ and general information about Kivexa®, including pharmacokinetics and dosing, the review summarises key trials that have examined the evidence for the efficacy of Kivexa® (and its components), which has been shown to be comparable with other agents/ART regimens, and the latest data on its safety, including its effects on lipid and bone metabolism, and CV and renal effects. Previous concerns regarding hypersensitivity reactions with abacavir can now be largely mitigated with HLA-B*5701 testing. In essence, the Kivexa® combination product has an important place in the management of HIV infection, particularly for certain patient populations.

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